Here’s a smaller version of a Threes-like I’ve been working on. The source is also here.
Author: eigenbom
Tiny Games
Here’s a couple of very tiny games I wrote today. The first you can type into Processing.js to play a timer-based snap game. The second is c++ code which requires a compiler. In both cases the source is more interesting than the actual game, and I had fun trying to compress them both down.
Snap in Processing.js
A Threes-like in C++: source
365 Days of Pixel Art
It’s done, I’ve completed my 365th piece of pixel art in as many days! I wrote a recap over on medium and included some of my favourite pixel art.
A year ago I started a pixel art club on Twitter called @Pixel_Dailies. Each day we (Dario and I) tweet out a theme and everyone spends a short time making some pixel art. We RT a small selection each day and a bot reposts them to a tumblr account. The goal of the group is to do at least one pixel art drawing a day…
Update: Also posted Kotaku, Boing Boing, HN, reddit, etc.
Moonman Alpha released!
Big news, I released the first alpha build of Moonman to the Kickstarter backers last week! The alpha contains a small snapshot of a forest region and demonstrates a few basic game mechanics. If you backed the game on Kickstarter at the alpha tier or above then you should now have access to the alpha. Go here to find out how to get it.
I’ve been concocting the code for Moonman lately from a new shared office in the city. It was a rare find and is working out really well. Here are a few photos of the space, taken by resident photographer Charlie Kinross.
The last four months ..
.. have been hectic. Moonman was successfully funded on Kickstarter and so I’ve been working non-stop on various things that followed from that. You can follow moonman development at the new discussion forum or at my TIGsource devlog. Moonman is 99% of my life now, but in other news: I’ve created over 200 pixel art drawings for @Pixel_Dailies, I made a weird wyrm thing in Unity, I made a Cactus tribute game, and I wrote a bot to connect @Pixel_Dailies to a tumblr account. I’ve been having a lot of “fun” with getting the t-shirt and postcard rewards out to the Kickstarter backers, and hope to have all that finished soon. (Who knew that t-shirt ink can look so different in different lighting conditions? Gah!)
Moonman is on Kickstarter!
My game, Moonman, is now on Kickstarter! If you’d like to show support for the project, get access to the alpha, or get a nice green Moonman t-shirt, then please head over to the Kickstarter page and consider backing the project. Your support will help me hire an artist and cover development costs so I can complete the game! I’d also love if you could share the project with your friends and family, the more eyes feasting on Moonman the better. Enjoy the trailer below. :)
Moonman Devlog Archive
Well it’s been almost 3 years since I started working on Moonman, it’s grown in scope far beyond what I originally imagined and the development log now has 174 pages and has been read over 600,000 times. In the rare chance that the TIGsource forums collapse it would be a great shame to lose that thread, which has documented the many iterations of Moonman, from the original ascii/ansi graphics to the colourful pixel art it has today. To preserve it I decided to spend some time today archiving the old thread and centralise all the linked images. So now the archive up until today is here:, and I have it backed up on my computer. I archived the devlog by saving the thread in ‘print mode’ and processing it with a custom Python script. Hopefully TIGsource will never die, but if it does the history of Moonman will be somewhat preserved.
Daily Pixel Art
Here’s some pixel art I’ve drawn over the last two weeks. I’m now running a twitter account called @Pixel_Dailies where I post daily pixel art challenges and themes. I started the account to motivate myself, but I’ve had many awesome contributions from other people.