Here’s a new video of my generative geometry system, SDS. A primitive limb is growing from the original egg geometry. It’s a bit rough, but a step towards my goal nonetheless.
Author: eigenbom
The cactus
A sketch I did a while ago. I want to build a system that produces images like this.
Self portraits
New blog, pyweek, etc.
I’ve started a blog for the cema crew, that will hopefully get updated on a daily basis. It contains short experimental artefacts built in a short (<30mins) It might take a while to get posts/week > 1.
Also, as I write this pyweek is running. It’s a big biannual game programming competition, where the constraints are: it has to be written in the Python programming language, and it has to be started and finished within a week. I am entering a game, which I will hopefully finish for once, and will post here when I’m done. Wish me luck!
As part of my Beads work, I explored the possibility of bypassing Javasound and working directly with a low-level sound library. In doing so I built an (almost) complete Java wrapper around RtAudio, a low-level, cross-platform audio programming library. My project, JRtAudio is now accessible online, so check it out if you’re interested.
As for whether Javasound is slower than, say JRtAudio, the results are not looking good, but are kind of obvious. The benefit of using JRtAudio only appears when you want a really simple API combined with low latency.
Over the last month and a bit I’ve been working part-time on Beads, a UGen based sound synthesis and analysis library for Java. The library is under heavily development, but if you’re interested in making crazy sounds and music you should definitely check it out. It is a native Java library, but can be used from within Processing without any hassles. There are a set of Beads tutorials available both for pure java and Processing (available on the website.)
Beads: “This is the website for Beads, an open-source project for computer music and sonic art in realtime performance, installation artworks, web content, and anywhere else you can think of putting it.”